Thursday, May 06, 2010

Money in the Boot

Day 4 - May 6th.
My uncle died with muscular dystrophy when he was twelve years old.  That was back in the early 1960s, before I was born, and before as much was known about this debilitating disease.  I remember the picture of him hanging in my grandparents home, and now it hangs in my parents' home.  My mother was quite a bit older than her half-brother and she had wonderful stories to tell about him growing up, and then not-so-wonderful memories of his body failing him as a youngster.
Because of this family connection, the Muscular Dystrophy Association (  was an organization that my family supported financially through the years. I remember watching the MDA Telethon every Labor Day weekend as a child and even making my own pledge from money I'd been saving.
This morning after dropping my children off at school, the local fire department was out collecting money for the MDA.  My gift today was a monetary contribution to the MDA, dropped into the firefighter's boot. 

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